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Dive Right In!

Do you have the passion to be the best version of yourself?
Are you ready to be in touch with your dreams and aspiration?

Do you believe you’re well equipped for such a meaningful journey?

Do you feel you need to understand people better, communicate deeper, and build effective relationships?


Our experts can help you acquire the knowledge you’re looking for.


Our mission at Innovative Group is to make a difference in people and socities. We focus on empowering women by providing the necessary tools and knowledge to help reach their goals. With our uniquely practical and systemic approach, you can begin applying new skills after just one course session. Browse our site to learn more, and get in touch with any questions.



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Who We Are

Come Learn With Us

Innovative Group™ is a global consulting and training company with proven models for maximizing organizational performance excellence through improving workforce performance at every level.
Being one of the few accredited consultants by Sterling International, Innovative Group™ has, for decades, helped thousands of professionals achieve personal success and improve their interpersonal relationships.
Our easy-to-apply models and programs have helped people of all ages make a difference. Being accredited from top elite educational institutes and universities, we offer critical training and world-class
consulting services to medium-to-large businesses, regardless of their industry or business structure, to help them maximize & sustain their success and also Improve their bottom line.


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“The program provides women with all what they need to become a real leader of theirselves and others"

Muna Burahma / Owner and CEO of Amjad International

“Leadership is like parenting and this is what I got exactly from the program!

Thank you Dr. Alaa"

Dee Cocca/ Chief Evaluation Officer at Sterling International

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